Doctor Who Media Radio

Dr who the big bang ERRR universe ended right?

So 7 days ago the universe ended and i have been floating in a time bubble thinking how i am going to watch this weeks Dr who well at least the earth is still intact right?? well I'm UN sure as the universe ended in roman times and has put a wall between the past and future (I'm talking of the wall when river opened the tardis doors) so i as type this I'm in mid air in space waiting for someone to save the universe (who fans unite with me please) or probably siting down in a chair in a room of my house well i hope the doctor gets out of the pandorica and Amy's not dead because who's gonna save the universe from well EHH the ending (not unless the doctor summons his past selves by making contact but would that work (well I'm guessing it would be something shocking that save all humanity and the universe) we know that the universe doesn't die because river is in episodes 4 and 5 and well if someone decides that the universe should reset then go ahead BUT when re set it could be any time as always I'm excited for the final (well at least we know were alive at the end of the universe) (episode utopia series 3 episode 11) well who cant wait please comment


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