Doctor Who Media Radio

Dr who big bang theories and speculation

In the eleventh hour when we see Amy's house from the outside it has 2 floors but when on the second floor (the big where the doctor is handcuffed to the radiator) we can see another stair case now that's really very odd doesn't the doctor see this or is it an error so I'm thinking is Amy a time lord/lady well she could be and she could not be (you never know as time lords like the master have survived the time war) (in which the master ran away) so is Amy a time lady or not and her house a tardis ( some how ) and could she be dead could she regenerate we may never know as she might not be a time lord

So now I'm wondering how is the doctor going to get out the pandorica well earlier in the pandorica opens episode we saw river go the 50 first century and she got a vortex manipulator I think she gave it to the doctor (we also see the doctor with it when he is investigating the pandorica when lying down) so some how he uses that.

But I have heard that Rory comes to save the doctor but why leave Amy (maybe because she is a time lady and has regenerated (also I've heard that Amy is put in the pandorica and Rory is left guarding it for thousands of years while the doctor goes off to do something
so that will make Rory older than the doctor
I also think that the time lords could come back in this episode
why do I think this well
what the monsters haven't realised is that if you take the doctor out of time (tardis blowing up also put in pandorica) the universe starts to explode (at the end of the pandorica opens we see the universe dying) but this is happening in Roman times (sorry forgot what year it is) so will the doctor still run away from gallifrey with Susan (first doctor an unearthly child) this happens in 1963 but if this didn't happen the doctor wouldn't of met the Daleks ( :) ) right? So the time war would never of happened

but what they don't know is river is flying the tardis (she gets taught by the doctor or someone else in the doctors personal time line) so if the time lords do come back maybe she gets taught by another time lord to fly the tardis. When the doctor is put in the pandorica river lands the tardis somewhere but when she opens the tardis doors there is a wall blocking her view I think this is because she has landed in the future and the universe ended in the past so the future could be blocking the past so no one could go to the past (also I think now that the tardis is stuck in the future on a certain date)

also if the doctor never leaves gallifrey doesn't that make the doctors memories of every alien or friend he has ever met fade.

Also I think that little Amelia saves the universe form dying as she still believe in stars (also in spoilers pictures seen in a museum with the pandorica opening so could she meet her future self and the doctor comes when the time is right for the pandorica to open for Amy to come out.
So there are loads of things to be answered
like how is the cracks made
also I'm not saying the time lords could be in it but there are rumours of omega and time ladies as in a cast list (Joanna Paige)
all will be revealed tomorrow night
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