Doctor Who Media Radio

Dr who the pandorica opens - a few notes

And the pandorica opens

1. it stars in France with Vincent who is having a vision of the future and has painted a picture of the tardis.
2. then to WW2 with Churchill
3. onto river song who is talking to river song she also escapes
4. then onto the royal collection who river meets Liz ten
5. then to the tardis with Amy and the ring and the doctor decide to go the oldest planet in the universe
5. they read the first words (hello sweetie)
6. they then go to Roman times
7. they find river she shows then the painting off Vincent
8. titals
9. after titals their on horses plus their explaining
10. the pandorica is something to do with tardis
11. they get to Stonehenge
12. spoilers
13.they go down under Stonehenge
14. a scene to a cybermens head (also it moves)
15. they open the doors (thebig one in the trailer
16. they find the pandorica (box)
17. also a cybermens arms is in their
18. the most feared being in all the cosmos
19. the pandorica is a prison and its opening
20. amy hears something
21. we hear daleks,cybermen and sontarans like in the trailer
22. stonehenge has been transmitting for a while
23.ten thousands star ships
24. the cybermen sound old
25.the go out and see all the ships
26. everything that hates the doctor is going to Stonehenge
27. the starship arive in roman times
28.river explians to the romans
29. river has a volentear
30.amy ask the doctor about the ring
31. the doctor tells amy her life doesnt make sense
32. the cybermen arms fires at the doctor and amy
33. the doctor gets electrocuted
34. amy fights a cybermens head
35. the rest of the cybermens body shows
36. amy is poisoned
37. rory is a roman
38. rory died and turned into a roman
39. the pandorica opens
40. their surrounded
41. their a brilliant moment with the doctor
42. river flies the tardis
43. amy doesnt remember rory
44. theirs a problem with the tardis
45.their a few flashbacks
46. their a creepy voice here in the tardis and then their a crack on the moniter when river goes out plus its goes to 26,06.10
47. river goes to amys house
48. their a book in amys room (the pandoricas box)
49. amy cries
50. the romans are not real
51. the romans are autons
52. the romans grab the doctor and the daleks turns up plus everything else
53. rory shoots amy
55. their a slow mo time
56.the doctor put in the chair,amy dies,and river tries to pilot the tardis to safty
57. and then universe falls apart
58. we get no trailer


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