Doctor Who Media Radio

Dr who seventh doctor quotes Remembrance of the Daleks

The Doctor: You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies.
Ace: But this is earth, 1963. Well someone would've noticed, I'd have heard about it!
The Doctor: Do you remember the Zygon gambit with the Loch Ness monster? Or the Yetis in the underground?
Ace: The what?
The Doctor: Your species has the most amazing capacity for self-deception, matched only by its ingenuity when trying to destroy itself.
Undertaker: Hello, governor? Somebody's come to collect that big casket. Yes, yes the Doctor. Just one thing, governor: I thought you said he was an old geezer with white hair!
Group Captain Gilmore: You were hired as a chief scientific adviser, one tends to expect advice from ones adviser.
Professor Jensen: For one thing, Group Captain, I was not hired, I was drafted. And for another, do you think I'm enjoying having some space vagrant come along and tell me that the painstaking research I have devoted my life to, has been superseded by a bunch of tin-plated pepper pots?!
The Doctor: It's called that because Time Lords have an infinite capacity for pretension.
Ace: Noticed that.
Davros: We shall become all-
The Doctor: Powerful! Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! UNIMAGINABLE POWER! UNLIMITED RICE PUDDING! Etcetera! Etcetera!
Ace: Doctor. We did good, didn't we?
The Doctor: Time will tell, always does.


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