Doctor Who Media Radio

Here is some Doctor Who Dubai news;
The Doctor Who Crew flew World Traveller (economy), the cast were Club World (business).
Cobbled together from information from Sunjunky; They are outside Dubai off the Al Ain Road, but its hard to explain exactly were, as there is no town/landmarks, I've not seen the bus, but have found their camp! A guy there told me they were filming 20 minutes further in over the dunes. As we sat in the jeep debating whether to try finding them, a few jeeps where headed back our way. We recognised no-one, until a tall chap wearing a black t-shirt, cap and shades walked into view - David Tennant! I was just about to let the kids out of our jeep to say hi, but he got back into a jeep along with Michelle Ryan (who wore a straw cowboy style hat) and a few others and they headed back towards the main road. Everyone looked so pale! I did follow but they parked up on the main road, so as I'm no stalker I didn't hang around. I will certainly go back over the next couple of days. There was a lot of blowing sand, so I didn't take any pictures this time.
They should fly back on either Friday or Saturday, probably British Airways again.


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