Doctor Who Media Radio

41 Teasers from Doctor Who Series 6!

Doctor Who: The Brilliant Book is released tomorrow and contained within its pages are 41 more teasers. 

The Doctor will be on trial – twice!
Who controls the light sculptors?
You won’t believe what’s buried under Wembley Stadium.
Scared of the Eye in Space? You should be.
Take up thy sins and walk – slowly.
There won’t be a pub quiz on Tuesday because there won’t be a pub.
Beau Geste is cool.
Bow Street runners are cool.
Bromley-by-Bow is cool.
4 August 1982 – Happy Birthday, Ma’am.
Some lies are too much for the psychic paper.
“I won’t take calls from THAT Prime Minister.”
“Marc, where are you?”
The only water in the forest is the river.
What awaits the TARDIS at the zero point?
“72 years on and Rory’s still terrified of Granny Grainger?”
“I was lost in France.”
“How could a fellow Gallifreyan stoop so low?”
Horror of Bangkok.
“Give it up, sweet Korn.”
Argonite? Here?
An ordinary block of flats.
“If I saw them walking down the high street what would I think?” I don’t think you’d think anything at all, Amy.”
Find the lady – before she finds you!
“Margaret! Come back!”
The Doctor defeats the Sahara Desert.
Susannah’s still alive.
Mill Green on fire.
The Doctor will get married – Twice!
What are the dangers of Port Olveron?
502, but never 503.
Beware of the kites.
“A pillar of salt, yes – but not because she looked back. Looking back is good!”
They’ll have to get a new name for Thanksgiving.
Pay attention – It’s not really her.
Treading through the sand – on the one night they come back.
The Shuddering Brethren, they’ll stick in your mind.
“I’m my own Doctor.”
Octavian wasn’t lying.
Mysterious semblance at the the strand of nightmares.
The bones of the TARDIS.


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