The 2010 doctor who Christmas special has begun shooting in Cardiff, with Matt smith returning as the doctor, accompanied by Karen Gillan as Amy pond, and Arthur darvill as Rory William's, after a read through on Thursday 8 July, recording on the special got underway on Monday 12 July.
''Christmas is here'' proclaims executive producer and writer of the special, Steven moffat. ''well, our Christmas, which happens in July, and runs for several weeks. no details yet, its far too early, but we've got big ideas and big plans for this special, and its quite unlike any doctor who Christmas special we've done before. poor Toby Haynes - he just gave us such stellar on the season final, we didn't let the man out of the building we put him strait back to work in the tardis, and already hes solving problems, and making huge, mad plans. but that's all for later. all I'm telling you now is that it'll be 60 minutes long and the doctor and Mr and Mrs pond will all be present and correct. and its going to be Christmassy. its going to be the most christmassy Christmas special ever.''
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