And until we have facts, I really don't feel comfortable sending anyone into the desert on a wild goose chase.
But when we have facts, we will pass them along. Until then we at The Happiness Patrol welcome the return of Pick Of The Week!
Tara, Lela, Dale and I witter on about Doctor Who Episodes that might just make your day.
We also address Paul McGann and his latest fancy duds.
There is a new Doctor Who Exhibit coming to London in February 2011.
The time change has caused havoc on all of us and our 1st anniversary of The Happiness Patrol Podcast is coming this month!
Oh, and least we forget, we here at The Happiness Patrol have a HOTLINE you can call for feedback!
That's right, you can give us a call and leave a message of any sort. MAYBE you'll make it on the next podcast.
Listen to it Here
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